Arun approached us because he had read about the Open Shutters online. He was a keen writer who managed a media centre in Wolverhampton. And so we had a little road trip to the Midlands to photpgraph Arun and record his video:
When I announced I was hosting a virtual rerun of the Open Shutters Exhibition Arun was the first to get in touch and encourage me. I invited him to send me a few words to let people know how he is doing. Here is what he said:
“Upon the wakening of this pandemic, it has certainly been a shock to the system and brought a test like nothing ever before. I find that mental health is being given the self care it has always needed as I’m able to take some time for myself. I needed to slow down in order to truly understand what I was feeling.
For the world right now , we face our own battles and none should be judged upon. We are all warriors. We are all fighters. We will be victorious. It’s okay to not be okay and together…together we are stronger x”