by Robert Cragg | Oct 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
I have been fortunate enough never to have experienced mental health issues at first hand. That’s not to say I never will, but not so far. So you might wonder what I’m doing writing this blog for the World Health Organisation’s World Mental Health Day. Before I took...
by Lisa | Oct 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
As a mental health warrior (or Stigma Buster as someone called me last year), I cannot let World Mental Health Day 2019 go by without writing a blog. The theme this year is suicide prevention so that’s what I want to talk about. Anyone who knows me even...
by Lisa | Feb 1, 2019 | The Friday Photographer
We recently had an interesting enquiry. A lady called to tell us she’s embarking on a diet and fitness improvement regime because she wants to feel – and look – better. Quite a common thing at New Year, and in itself unremarkable. We all do it; and most of us fall off...
by Lisa | Jan 4, 2019 | The Friday Photographer
First of all a very Happy New Year from Lisa and Robert at Studio G Photography. We’re buzzing with ideas for 2019, and we hope you are too. New Year is traditionally time to take stock of things, see where changes and improvements can be made, and then resolve...
by Lisa | Dec 14, 2018 | The Friday Photographer
So it’s December 14th, Christmas is just around the corner, and there are still one or two people you haven’t bought for because, frankly, you’ve no idea what they’d like. They seem to have everything they want, and what they don’t have is well outside your budget....